Use the Data Quality Report Card
The first step to managing duplicates is leveraging the Data Quality Report Card in RingLead. Here’s how:
- Navigate to the Analyze section in the left-hand panel.
- Scroll to the New Field Analysis Task and select it.
- Choose the “Empty Fields” option and pick the object you want to analyze (e.g., leads, contacts, or accounts).
This scan helps you identify the best fields for duplicate matching, giving you a solid foundation for the merging process.
Strict Matching First, Fuzzy Matching Second
When addressing duplicates, start with strict matching criteria for precise results and then refine with fuzzy matching.
Merging Leads First
- Strict Match Rules:
- First name (loose), last name (strict), company name, and email.
- First name (loose), last name (strict), and company name.
- Fuzzy Match Rules:
- First name (loose), last name, and email.
- Email only.
- First name (loose), last name (strict), and company name (loose).
Merging Accounts Second
Take a phased approach:
- Merge account types or record types separately.
- For account hierarchies, merge parents first, then children, and finally parent-child combinations.
Matching Rules:
- Company Name, Website, and Billing/Shipping Street & City.
- Company Name, Website, and Billing/Shipping Street.
- Company Name and Website.
- Company Name (strict or loose).
Merging Contacts Third
- Strict Match Rules:
- First name (loose), last name (strict), account name, and email.
- Fuzzy Match Rules:
- First name (loose), last name, and email.
- Email only.
- First name (loose), last name (strict), and company name (loose).
Merge Lead to Contact
Before merging leads into contacts, ensure all duplicate leads and contacts have been handled.
Matching Rules:
- First name (loose), last name (strict), company name, and email.
- First name (loose), last name, and email.
- Email only.
Link Leads to Accounts or Convert Leads to Contacts
Decide whether to convert leads into contacts based on the account type:
- Customer/Partner Accounts: Typically converted into contacts.
- Prospect Accounts: Consider linking instead.
Matching Rules:
- Account, Company Name, and Website.
- Account, Company Name, and Address.
- Account, Company Name, and Phone Number.
Ensure the linked account ID field is created on the lead.
Why Clean Data Matters
Merging duplicates is not just a best practice—it’s essential for maintaining CRM health. Clean data drives more accurate reporting, effective outreach, and better decision-making.
Ready to transform your CRM data with RingLead? SpringDB can help get you a free report card issued by clicking this link here: Data Health Check Report Card.
By following these best practices, you’ll be on your way to a cleaner, more efficient database.